By Michael Daniels
Journal Staff Reporter
A champion is a champion is a champion, what more can you say about the winning local Boxing Icon DeAndre Ware. The only thing that you might want to add to his story is, he’s also a dedicated EMS Toledo Firefighter, and devoted husband and father.

All this is a hard scale to balance, but DeAndre Ware does it and he makes it work. Combining two careers plus being a family man and succeeding at all of them, is no small feat. as well as, making it work together, makes him a true champion.
The 31-year-old sportsman has a “I will not be defeated” attitude and a driving desire to succeed in all of his life’s pursuits.
After graduating from St. John’s, an academically demanding high school, he went on to play football at the University of Toledo. Unfortunately, he suffered a knee injury and was unable to continue playing that sport. Being a true athlete in his heart he sought out another sports he could participate in. “I couldn’t imagine myself not playing any sports. I’ve always been an athlete,” he said.
And, “I didn’t want to be just a normal everyday person, I needed to be participating in some sort of sport so I started boxing. The more I boxed the more I liked it, so I continued to do it. Soon I realized I wasn’t too bad at it, in fact, I was pretty good,” he explained.
Meanwhile a childhood interest was about to surface and present itself. As a child Mr. Ware considered becoming a fireman one day. Now many years later a real opportunity to do so came his way, not only once but twice. The first time he passed on the idea, but the second time he jumped on it. Like a true champion in the making he went for it, passed the test, completed the training and became a City of Toledo Firefighter.
With this important and demanding new job one would think he might quit boxing. If that’s what you thought, you got the wrong answer. Even though he loved being a firefighter and it was one of his dreams come true, his other
Unable to choose one over the other there was only one choice for the champion in the making. That choice was to do them both, and so he did and so he has, he does them both.
When he’s not fighting fires, he’s training and boxing. When he’s not boxing, he’s fighting fires. A delicate balance, but he has worked it out.
Already the winner of three vacant super middleweight regional title, Mr. Ware’s ultimate goal is to make it all the way to the top and become a world championship boxer.
“I want to win a world championship and be able to take care of my family and live comfortable and not have any financial worries. I want to be safe and happy and enjoy life. Everything I do today is working toward that end result” DeAndre stated.
When asked. if you win a world title will you continue to be a firefighter’, his answer was, yes, I will continue to be a firefighter because I love my job. I love taking care of people and I love saving lived. I still want to stay with the fire department and serve the community. I believe I can do them both and I look forward to all of it, because the sky is the limit’.
His wife, Pilar Ware added, “He’s a wonderful person and a wonderful man and I believe a person can do anything. If you work hard and strive for it you can achieve anything. I believe in him and I support him all the way.”
DeAndre Ware, the winner of three vacant super middleweight regional title, a Champion.
DeAndre Ware and his wife Pilar Ware believe the sky is the limit.
DeAndre Ware, striving to be a World Championship Boxer.