By Michael Daniels
Toledo Journal Staff Reporter
In this late date, when so many mainstream churches are on the decline, Pastor Dr. Ronald O. Walker Trail; Sr.Th. D., said, “God Almighty has inspired me to start a new church.” So, along with his wife and Co-Pastor Rhonda Weber-Walker Trail, who has also inspired the two licenses, certified, and experienced theologians, did just that. On Sunday, September 1, 2019 they held their first service in the Collingwood Presbyterian Church at 1208 Collingwood Blvd., their new temporary church home.
One month later, on Sunday October 3, 2019, a new chapter in Toledo’s Afro-American Church history began with the ‘Dedication to the Ministry of the Lord’ in the city’s newest church, ‘God’s House International Worship Center,’
An excited Dr. Trail said, “This church is all about God and not about us. We feel we can help the churches that are already here and we want to partner with those churches that are actually doing something to help God’s people and people in general. We want people to come to know Jesus Christ. All those who are disenfranchised, disconnected, and dislocated now have a place to come where they will feel wanted, needed, and loved.”

He added,“At ‘God’s House International Worship Center, we teach the principals of the Bible and want people to know the Bible so they can grow spiritually. Our concern here is spiritual growth and not so much on entertainment, but the learning the word of God is the most important thing.”
The actual dedication service began with the singing of hymns by the congregation and an opening prayer and remarks by Pastor Dr. Ronald O. Walker Trail; Sr. This was followed by the reading of the Scripture by Elder Alice Williams.
Next, Co-Pastor Rhonda Weber-Walker Trail introduced and defined The Eagle’s Trailblazer Award to the congregation. The Eagle’s Trailblazer Award, which is in its first year is an award that is given to a person, who is recognized for the work they’ve done in the city, to help others. The award comes from the Trailblazers Association who chooses the recipient of the award. This year’s recipient and the first person to receive the award was, Dr. Pat McKinstry, Pastor of the Worship Center Church.
After the reading of the definition Dr. McKinstry was presented her award by Pastor Dr. Ronald O. Walker Trail.
Moving right along it was time for the dedication of the church into God’s service lead by Dr. McKinstry. First Elder Karen Trail read aloud the church’s bio, Mission Statement, and vision statement for the future. Then Dr. McKinstry and several other visiting pastors commissioned, prayed and asked Gods blessing for the church and laid holy hands of anointing on Pastor Dr. Ronald O. Walker Trail and Co-Pastor Rhonda Weber-Walker Trail. Afterwards, the two exhilarated pastors lifted up their hands to sky and praised the Lord for his goodness and mercy.
To finish the day, the two newly anointed pastors conducted an Ordination of Minister Karen Trail and Elder Alice Williams into the church’s ministry. The service ended with remarks from visiting ministers and closing remarks of gratitude and thanksgiving from Co-Pastor Rhonda Weber-Walker Trail.
She said, “God laid it on my heart the mission of ‘God’s House International Worship Center,’ as well as, a few other things I’m formulating. He wanted us to start a ministry that teaches the word of God and to teach and give understanding to the saint on how to operate in the word of God. We not only want to have an impact inside our church but outside the wall of the church as well. We want all to see God’s glory manifested in their own personal lives and that is our purpose. We teach people to not only to hear the word but to also to be doers of the word of God in their life.”
‘God’s House International Worship Center’ has service every Sunday at 12:00 noon the Collingwood Presbyterian Church, 1208 Collingwood Blvd and the public is invited to come. They also have Bible Study every Wednesday at 6:30 pm at the same location, For more information call the church at 615-983-1007.