By Jurry Taalib-Deen
Journal Staff Writer
Armed with facemasks, hand sanitizers, and social distancing, Mike Colbert, salesman at Franklin Park Lincoln, along with the sponsors of the event, Franklin Park Lincoln, Word of Faith Ministries, and Salon Rose’, made sure the 10th annual, Haircuts for Humanity, still happened without any problems.

Held on Friday, December 11 at Word of Faith Ministries, 2911 Stickney, the giveaway consisted of food boxes, and coats. Typically, free haircuts, manicures, and hot food would be a part of the food boxes and coats, Mike Colbert, organizer, told The Toledo Journal. But do to the Covid-19 pandemic, only the two items were distributed in a type of, grab and go fashion.
“We, the organizers, discussed whether we should have the event this year; I’m glad we decided to proceed forward,” he said. “It’s all about giving back, and what better time to help others than during a pandemic.”
Bishop Kevin Sutton, senior pastor at Word of Faith Ministries, explained that, during the Christmas season, they receive more donations from the public to help people in need. “When you receive a lot of items to help others, you move forward to help. They’re a lot of people in need, so we’re doing the best to help them,” he said.
Michelle Borowicz has been assisting with the event for four years, and said she wasn’t going to let Covid-19 stop her from helping others.
“Not only do I get to help others, but I get to meet new people; I wasn’t going to let Covid-19 spoil that for me,” she said.
Margo Jones attends Christian Temple Baptist. She was there getting food boxes for eight families, including a person in the hospital.
“Although someone from those families will be here tonight to get the boxes and coats, just in case they don’t show, I’ll get the items for them; this is just too important to pass-up. I’m just thankful to be in a position to help others; it’s a wonderful, and a blessed feeling,” she said.
“This event is great for single mothers, or those not working. I’m thankful I was able to get these items,” said LaShanna Hanney.