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Saturday, March 29, 2025


Ask Dr. Sam

Confident… Smart…Strong…Beautiful…Sophisticated…Loved…Celebrated….I celebrated every single mother that ever lived.   Whether your name is written down in the history books or whether you discreetly raise, nourish, and provide for your children. Today I honor you. 

Single moms, through her resilience and by faith can change the spaces in which she and her children walk.  She can move her child or children’s expectations from despair and doubt to looking at options and possibilities. She is like the waves on an ocean with its ebbs and tides.  She reflects the light from the sunset as she cast her strength and beauty on the open sea, and waits with expectation for the wind to shift in her favor.

My hope is that every single mom will “rise to the occasion”, morning, noon, and night and be like an eagle taking flight.  Never give up… never say never…never give up on your children, your dreams, or your dreams for your children.  Make lemonade from lemons. 

Your strength is undeniable. God made you a sight to see and a force to be reckoned with. In the words of Maya Angelou: “But still, like dust, I’ll rise”…”Like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise.”… “But still like air, I’ll rise.”                     

As a single mom you rise above adversity. You make miracles happen every day while the world stands at attention your presence brings joy in every way.  If you were raised by a single mom or know a single mom open your eyes and heart.  Offer her encouragement.  Dr. Sam is honoring single moms because they rock!  Don’t you agree? 

Question 1

Dear Dr. Sam,

I have been a single mom for 10 months, I would love to be in a relationship but I know I have things I need to work on. How do I get ready to eventually receive a man in my life? (Donna, 43)


Dear Donna,

First of all, I am very proud of you because it takes a lot for a person to say I have things to work out? Donna, you should never be thinking about receiving a man first? It all about you. The more valuable you are to yourself the more valuable you become to others. Let everything else come after you and be proactive. Let the chips fall where they may.  Be the queen you were meant to be and the rest will fall into place.  

Question 2

Dear Dr. Sam,

As a single man I find it hard to find a woman who hasn’t had a lot of bad relationships. I am not saying they aren’t great women out here what I am saying is they are not a lot of great partners? Most single woman bring their past into their present. How do I overcome this? (Mel, 38)



There are a lot of great women out here, but depending on age and experiences most woman will have some type of past. The only thing you can do is give them time and space to get over it, work through it, or just move on. Most woman are in some kind of transition leaving something or going into something. The trick is to find the woman who is there with and for you. Trust me they are out there just have faith, don’t settle and keep getting better.

For answers to “Ask Dr. Sam,” speaking engagements, or questions and responses go to www.sammallette.com or www.thedrsamshow.us check out my sites for everything from new updates, consulting, relationships, business, sex, manhood, empowering women, and health/wellness just to name a few.

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