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Martin Luther King Academy hosts father son retreat

BY Jurry Taalib-Deen
Journal Staff Writer

Fathers played chess, basketball, wrestled, or just enjoyed a good movie, while eating a snack, with not only their sons, but other boys, at the second annual Father, Son Day. The event was held at Martin Luther King Academy for Boys, 1300 Forrest Ave., on Friday, May 17.

The brain child of Willie Ward, principal, and Sheila A. Cook, family community school resource and outreach director, the two wanted to have an event that would, somewhat mirror their yearly, Mother and Son dance.

Martin Luther King Academy hosts father son retreat
Even the teachers took time out to get involved. Jeremy Atkins far left, para professional, and Luke McKinley, rolls out the wrestling mats to teach a few basic moves to the boys.

Officially kicking off the start of the event, Principal Ward expressed to the fathers, who were gathered in the cafeteria with their sons, how grateful he was for them attending the event. He said their involvement with their sons sends a powerful message, and he welcomed them to visit the school.

“Today is their day,” Ms. Cook told The Toledo Journal. “Tonight is about them enjoying each other,” she said.

She said that, although men are more hesitant at revealing how they really feel, Ms. Cook said a father had expressed to her how happy he was about the event. “He told me that he works so much, he doesn’t get to spend the time he wants with his son, and tonight’s event gives him that opportunity.”

Ms. Cook is hoping that the event will encourage more fathers to become more involved at the school. But at that particular moment, she expressed a great deal of satisfaction with the turnout.

Martin Luther King Academy hosts father son retreat
Andre Munn, right, shows his nephew, Shamarion Patterson, how to play chess at the expense of Delrico Wallace.

“I think this is a great event,” said Marvin McCray who was playing basketball with his son. “This encourages more fathers to become active at the school. It’s also a good time for those of us who haven’t met the principal, or our son’s teacher, to finally meet them,” he said.

“I’m here to spend time with my son, at his school, and meet some of his friends,” said Broderick Manahan. “I’m also here for the other boys. I want to encourage them that they can do anything, and that all things are possible,” he said.

Martin Luther King Academy hosts father son retreat
Broderick Manahan shows his son, Triston, he still has a little skill left in him

” I just love spending time with my dad,” said Mr. Manahan’s son, Tristan.

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