Second Baptist Church, located at 9300 Western Maumee Road in Monclova, Ohio celebrated the 10th Pastoral anniversary of their leadership, Dr. Jerry and First Lady Debra Boose. Held on Sunday, September 23 at their church, visitors from other religious communities, as well as leadership from the political community were in attendance.

Divided in two services, Dr. Nathan Prochere of Tree of Life Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan, delivered the word for the morning service, while Pastor Tm Pettaway of Walk the Word Ministries, located in Toledo, delivered the afternoon service.
Proclamations from political leadership, tokens of love from the religious community, and an all-expense paid cruise, from the members of Second Baptist Church, were amongst the many gifts presented.

And although the day was about the leadership of Second Baptist Church, Dr. and First Lady Boose, made sure many of the guests, as well as the members of the church, received gifts as well.
Kaye Williams, chairperson for the 10th Pastoral anniversary explained to The Toledo Journal why Dr. and First Lady Boose were deserving of the celebration, and gifts.
She said that, when we first started out, the church was located in a small building. Over the years membership began to grow, and to accommodate that growth, a church, with 10 ½ acres was purchased.
“Dr. Boose has taught that the ministry of Christ should be delivered outside the walls of the church,” she said. “He has been instrumental in a lot of community programs throughout the area, including job readiness programs, working with those with drug and alcohol addiction, and feeding the homeless. He’s an example for both the religious and secular community,” Mrs. Williams explained.
And unlike many wives of a Pastor, First Lady Boose recently returned to the work force. Between her duties at the church, and at her place of employment, she said she’s in a better position to serve the community.
“I’m able to see the struggles, as well as the character of this new generation. There’s a greater need to minister to them, and show that many of the things they engage in, and consider cool, aren’t beneficial for them,” she said.
“Today has been very beautiful. I’m proud of the leadership in the church for making it a success,” Dr. Boose told the congregation.
The retired fireman, who served his community for 30 years, still finds time to give back.
“I still work because Jesus said make disciples. I’m supposed to work, and educate the people on who they really are. Part of my mandate is to show them how to take back what they enemy has taken from them,” Dr. Boose said.