By Jurry Taalib-Deen
Journal Staff Writer
Wanda Love, president of the Warren-Sherman Area Council, excitedly talks to the newly formed Warren-Sherman Executive Board, about re-establishing the area to greatness.
“I’m so excited,” she told The Toledo Journal on the afternoon of Thursday, January 13 at their office, 3 East Bancroft. “We haven’t had an active Executive Board in sometime and we’re starting off 2022 with a vibrant board; so yes, I’m very excited.”
A baseball, little league program and after school tutoring, were just two of the ideas the group wants to bring to life.
“I’ve heard people saying there are tutoring programs on another side of town, but we need one in this area, for our children,” Ms. Love said to the board. “Children need something to do so they’ll stay out of trouble and they need a structured environment.”
Robert Moody was nominated as the President for the Warren-Sherman Executive Board. “I grew up and I went to school in the area. The Moody Manors bears my grandfather’s name and he helped develop the area,” he said. “It’s not only about being proud of the Moody name and legacy in this area; I just want to help build the Warren-Sherman area back up.”

Kimberly Dixon was nominated for the position of vice-president. ”I’m very excited to be sitting on the Executive Board. This area is my old stomping grounds and I want to have the opportunity to help build it back up to greatness. I have the backing of some good people, so I’m sure we’ll be successful.”
A few of the activities the Executive Board already has etched in stone are, a Valentine Day’s Buffet at their office on February 12; a St. Patrick’s Day Jiggs Dinner in March; date and time to be determined and their annual Warren-Sherman Festival scheduled for the summer of 2022.
Another way the board will continue to keep the community abreast of what’s going on is via their monthly newsletter, “The Warren-Sherman Orient,” which will be free at area convenience stores, grocery stores and churches.