By Michael Daniels
Journal Staff Writer
On Thursday, November 18, The Area Office On Aging of Northwest Ohio, assisted by the National Guard, descended on The J. Frank Troy Senior Center to conduct another COVID-19 Vaccine drive, this one especially for the residents of the 43604-zip code. Ireatha Hollie, the AOoA Director of Medical Education, who is also a registered pharmacist, stated that data showed that this zip code has only a 42% vaccination rate, leaving 58% of residents not vaccinated. “That huge,” she said. “That is why we are here today, in this area, and we are encouraging as many people as possible to come and get their first dose of the vaccine.”

to Brenda Totty at the AooA ‘Take Your Best Shot’ Vaccine drive at the J. Frank
Troy Center
Michael Phillips displays his COVD-19 Verification Vaccine
Card after getting his second shot at the J. Frank Troy
Center. Today in the world COVID-19 this card is an
important as your regular ID, don’t lose it!Donald Perkins receives his $100 Gift Card from
AooA’s Belen Guerrero after getting his vaccine shot
Some of the encouragement she was referring to were the free gifts incentives participants received for getting their first shot of the vaccine. These gifts included a $100 gift card to Meijers, and a free Holiday food box feeding four people. Plus, all participants were entered into a drawing for a free cell phone and a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. In addition, everyone who attended the vaccine drive got a free hot lunch from J Mae’s Home Cooking.
Sonia Griffin brought her mother Brenda Jones to the center to get vaccinated. When asked why she waited so long, Brenda Jones said, “I could not decide if I wanted it or not, and I didn’t know if it would even do any good. Finally, I decided to follow through and get the shot. I did not want to get COVID-19 myself, and I did not want to spread it to anyone else. I also plan to get the second shot and I think others should do the same, so we can slow this virus down and stop it from spreading.”

Another person who took advantage of the free COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic was Christopher Shoecraft, who said, “At first, I was leery about it, because I am a healthy person, but my mother is always on me about getting a flu shot. This time she called and told me about the clinic today, so I decided to come and get it done. I try to take care of myself, but you never know about what may happen to your body. I plan to do this all the way with the second shot and the booster. Likewise, I recommend that everyone look more into this and do their reading, and then go from there! I feel blessed, and I’m glad that I woke up to another glorious day and that I had the opportunity to come here and get my first vaccine shot.”

AOoA’s Ireatha Hollie went on to say, “If you are mistrustful about getting the vaccine, you should consult with a health professional and find out the facts first. Some of the people, who are in the hospital today, with severe cases of COVID-19 are those who were not vaccinated, this alone tells me the vaccine works. Protect yourself and others, I encourage everybody to get vaccinated for everyone’s well-being” For more information on how, where, and why, please call ‘The Area Office on Aging of Northwest Ohio’, at 419-382-0624. We can answer all your questions about COVID-19 and the vaccines.