Looking for something fun to do with your partner but don’t want to spend tons of money? The solution to that is going out on cheap dates. Dates don’t always have to be expensive. Even though the weather is nice, you can still do fun things together without spending a lot of money.

I love finding new things to do with my boyfriend every weekend that we’re off. Other than myself, sometimes my boyfriend is my photographer and so I consider moments that we are capturing images for my blogs or social media, to be cheap and quick dates. If you look at it, we are spending time together and talking, the perfect date idea for me.
Check out these cheap date ideas to do indoors together:
- Wine tasting
- Skating
- Bowling
- Visit a museum on their free days
- Work out together
- Take a walk in a park or forest preserve
- Make a dish together
- Locate happy hours
- Teach each other something
- Volunteer together
- Couples Night Trivia
- Go for a drive
- Enjoy a picnic together
- Complete a puzzle
- Play a competitive sport together
These are all great and cheap date ideas for the fall. Regardless if you’re newly dating, been in your current relationship or if you’re married. Dates should be engaging so put your phones down and interact with your partner. You don’t always have to go on elaborate dates with your partner, sometimes simple and cheap dates, are better.
Another cheap date that I enjoyed was when we went for a drive around the city, bought some Chinese food, we pulled over by the water and ate our food, right there in the car. We sat there for about an hour just enjoying each other’s company. You can do this date idea no matter the weather (except in a blizzard of course).
You know I love wine, every now and then, my boyfriend and I will create our own cheese boards, to go with my wine as we Netflix and chill. Cooking with your partner is so fun to do. My boyfriend does these funny dances while he cooks. There is never a dull moment with him in the kitchen. I’m the master chef between the two of us, so it gets real competitive at times but we enjoy cooking together.
Throw your sunscreen lotion on and go for a walk or bike ride together. Bigger cities have bikes that you can rent by the hour or for a full day, if you don’t own a bike. Not only are you exercising together, but you’re spending time together. Be a tourist in your city or town together by walking around neighborhoods that you don’t visit often, go on a treasure hunt or anything that is inexpensive and FUN to do with your partner this Spring.