By Journal Staff
It was supposed to be a surprise and it almost was, until Harvey Savage pulled into the parking lot of the Zablocki Recreation Center on Lagrange Saturday evening March 30. ‘”When I drove into the parking lot and saw all these cars that I know, I kind of knew what was happening,” said Mr. Savage. Sure, enough something was happening. Inside the building were his family and friends waiting to celebrate with him for his 75th birthday. Organized by his daughter, Carla Savage, more than 250 people showed up to wish him a happy birthday.
Harvey Savage is the oldest son of Dr. Rev H. V. and Martha Savage, and of 15 siblings. Always a hard worker, he had the head position for DuPont Paint and High-Tech Packaging for many years. Today he walks on his father’s footsteps as the Director of The Martin Luther King Jr. Kitchen for The Poor.

“He’s the best man for that job.” said Carla. “His love for his family, friends and a love for his people that makes him well suited for that position, and he has a heart of gold,” she added.
Other family members and friends all seem to have the same opinion of Mr. Savage. His brother John Savage said, “He’s been a great brother and role model for me and we all love him.” His sister Robin Savage agrees saying, ‘”He’s been a great brother to have and I love him for who he is’. Judy Savage added, “My oldest brother Harvey is the rock in our family and I love him for that because family is everything.” His uncle and aunt Nick and Joanne Fail said, “Harvey been a wonderful nephew.”
Old family friends also hold Mr. Savage in high regrades. Toledo Councilman Tyrone Riley recalls his days of youth growing up in the same neighborhood as the savage family saying, ‘I would go over to the Rev. Savage’s house all the time and everyone welcomed me with open arms. Harvey is the same way; he treats everyone with respect and he would give the shirt off his back if it would help someone’.

Former Councilwoman June Boyd whose known the Savage family for quite some time said of Mr. Savage, ‘Harvey Savage Jr. represents the greater part of the inner city. His father behind a legacy of love, kindness and caring. He comes from a family rich with culture and he will continue to serve and will remain the hallmark of perfection’.
About being 75 Mr., Savage said, “I feel good about turning 75. I’m in good health and I feel good about it. I advise the younger black males to take care of themselves and avoid alcohol and drugs and try to exercise more. We as black males are not living that long these days and overindulgence is to our determent.”
He went on to tell the young people, “I also encourage the younger generation to become more involved. The politicians make all the decision on how we live and where live, so we must get more involved and put the right people in office.”
Harvey Savage was born on March 28, 1944.