Twenty three “Silent Soldiers” honored at Black History Celebration

Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church, under the guidance of Dr. Cedric Brock, held its 18th annual Black History Celebration banquet last Sunday, March 3, 2019 at the Premiere Banquet Complex and honored, the “Silent Soldiers”. These are those who have been selected as accomplishing, so much, behind the scenes. This year almost 600 people attended the event hosted by the Mt. Nebo’s Voice of Hope Outreach Ministry as they celebrated the theme of “Stepping out In Faith.”.

Dr. Cedric Brock and Larry Jones, of Indiana was the
master of ceremonies.

After the introduction of this year’s honorees, from Deacon Alan Crawford, the church’s First Lady, Debra Brock, performed a musical selection. The many sponsors were thanked and then Nicolle Brown offered a special presentation as Nikketa Sugarfoot.

The Youth Ministry performed following dinner and then Sister Geraldine of St. Paul AME Zion Church made the presentation of honorees which are as follows:  Dr. Karen Adams-Ferguson, MD; Barbara Allison; Marcella Cook,; Collette Crosby; Barbara Crowell; Mary Dunning; Michelle Furr; Chris Gayle; Vickie Green-Horsley; Julia Holt; Michael Key; Laverne Knighten; Levon Rayford; Freddie Roberson; Lorena Roberts; Carolyn Robinson; Gertrude Robinson; Sharisse Rowell; Edward Sanders; Norma Savage; Adrian Thomas; Rita Winfree and Alberta Witcher.

Dr. Cedric Brock and First Lady Debra Brock of Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church.

This annual event started as a dinner held in the church dining area, 18 years ago, with an attendance of about 150 people. It rapidly out grew that space and has been held in much larger banquet rooms for more than a decade.

Dr. Brock said, “We celebrate the “Silent Soldiers” who have been faithful to the community at large. We give them their flowers while they can smell them.” The Voice of Hope Outreach Ministry is the brainchild of Dr. Brock who sponsors the banquet to honor the unsung heroes of the city and surrounding communities. Throughout the years, the ministry has sponsored a number of community services, such as: Radio Outreach (1520 AM and 95.7 FM); Adopt A Haircut Ministries at Poor Clark’s Barbershop; Adopt A Belt Outreach; Coat Give-Away; Good Friday Ham Give-Away; Back To School Give-Away and Weekly Broadcast NOW Network.

The master of ceremonies for this year’s event was conducted by Larry Jones of Indiana Avenue MBC.

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