By Jurry Taalib-Deen
Journal Staff Writer
Three days before Thanksgiving, on Monday November 22, a collaboration between Mt. Nebo Baptist Church, 831 N. Detroit, Mr. Snow Removal and Landscaping and 181 Enterprise, distributed turkeys, with all the fixings, to two hundred people at the church.

The five-year event doesn’t require people to sign up ahead of time nor present income verification; they just had to show up.
Even though a long line of people waited patiently to get into the church, organizers still adhered to Covid-19 protocols, as far as social distancing and overcrowding. Quickly, but orderly, organizers allowed people to come in one at a time to a well organized distribution center. And for the elderly or physically impaired, someone would carry their items to their car.

“I’m glad we’re in the position to help those in need, especially during the pandemic, that’s still taking a toll on people,” Pastor Cedric Brock, senior pastor at Mt. Nebo Baptist Church told The Toledo Journal. “We’ve been doing this for five years and I love working with the Mitchells.”
He added that they’ve collaborated with Mr. Snow Removal and Landscaping and 181 Enterprises in other ventures that helped people in need.
Felicia Mitchell, owner of 181 Enterprises, said she and her husband, Ervin Mitchell, owner of Mr. Snow Removal and Landscaping, are honored to be able to help those in need for Thanksgiving.
“It feels good to be able to help those who, otherwise, may not be able to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We love being able to help others and work with Mt. Nebo,” she said.
Yvette McKinney quickly grabbed her basket and quickly exited the building, doing her best to adhere to the Covid-19 protocols.

“This is wonderful and a blessing,” she said. “For the Pastor and the business to be giving away this food just in time for Thanksgiving is just a blessing.”
“I’m in need ASAP,” said Frankie Welch. “A lot of people can’t afford to buy a turkey, so the fact that the church and this business are giving away turkeys and a lot of side dishes, is so beautiful; I’m so thankful.”