Why are you addicted to the wrong kind of love? So many of you are so determined to bring someone into your life that you pick the wrong person.   It may be the right time for you but choosing the wrong person in your life can actually set you back.  Desperation is your partner and patience is your enemy if you jump too soon and pick the wrong love for the wrong reasons.

Choosing love should have nothing to do with your biological clock but everything to do with spending the appropriate amount of time getting to know someone before giving them permission to come into your life only to destroy it. Stop the nonsense, handle your business and know you deserve the best not the mess. Stop bringing people in your life that don’t love, trust, or respect you. Stop trying to make sense of what doesn’t make sense in a relationship.

People who cheat, degrade, dishonor and don’t love you do not deserve to be in your life. Don’t give them access. Put the lock on the door and throw away the key. Don’t be addicted to love that is not your own, but love yourself enough to say no.


Dear Dr. Sam,

You are always answering questions about other people’s lives, but can I ask you a personal question? What is the greatest thing you would sacrifice to find true love?

(Jenna, 30)


Dear Jenna,

That is an interesting question. I would sacrifice all except for two things. My relationship with God and my relationship with myself. Jenna, if I can’t love myself first how could I truly give all my love to you? I cannot love you and skip me.


Dear Dr. Sam,

What are you most grateful for?

(Bobby, 39)


Dear Bobby,

What I am most grateful for is I get another chance every day to get it right. As long as you are above ground there is always a chance to get your life together.


Dear Dr. Sam,

How do I keep from getting stuck in my life?

(Ross, 60)


Dear Ross,

Most of us get struck at one time or another in life, but what you do about it is the key. Go back to the basics. For example, what drives you now at 60? Is it money, love, giving or mentoring? Ross, take risks try and something different or go somewhere you have never been before. There are a lot of things you can do to start your engine again. Pick something and go for it.

For answers to “Ask Sam,” speaking engagements, or questions and responses visit www.thedrsamshow.com . 

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